Updates from the Hackathon for Good world

Latest news
Jury Members HFG The Hague #6
28 November 2023
Meet the jury members who will select the winners for each challenge, as well as the overall hackathon winner this year.

Svitlana Khrystenko

Mentors HFG The Hague 6
Take a look at the mentors in data science, business development, design and development who are here to help our hackers build the best possible solutions for our challenges.
27 November 2023

The Perfect Hackathon Team
What does the perfect hackathon team consist of? For the Hackathon for Good, this is a team of three to five people. When creating your team it is not enough to only look at a person’s skillset, you also have to keep their personality in mind.
26 October 2023

Support Programme – What's It About?
The support programme is designed to equip hackers with a range of tools and methods that facilitate the design of their solutions. It encompasses all stages of the design development process, from defining the problem to presenting their ideas.
18 October 2023

Join as a mentor or a jury member
So you’re interested in being a mentor or jury member? Help us enable the hackers to do good with data and AI. Share your expertise by giving them feedback on their solutions.
03 October 2023

It's a wrap! Hackathon will be back next year!
We’ll be back! The Hackathon for Good is returning to The Hague next year.
30 November 2022

The Hackathon for Good announced its winner!
The fifth edition of the Hackathon for Good has a new winner! Teams from all over the world worked for 48 hours straight to tackle today’s biggest challenges related to sustainability, privacy, open government and corruption.
28 November 2022

The 5th edition of the Hackathon for Good has started
November 25, The Hague. As of today, 130 hackers from 20 nationalities joined the 5th edition of the Hackathon for Good.
25 November 2022

Mentors HFG The Hague 5
Take a look at the mentors in data science, business development, design and development who are here to help our hackers build the best possible solutions for our challenges.
14 November 2022

Jury HFG The Hague 5
Meet the jury members who will select the winners for each challenge, as well as the overall hackathon winner this year.
14 November 2022

Calling all hackers to use Tech for Good
Calling all hackers to use their skills for good. Join the Hackathon for Good on November 19-27 and use data and AI to solve real-world problems.
31 October 2022

Support Programme HFG5
Time to talk about support. What support, you may ask? During the hackathon, we offer a tailored set of steps you can take to create the most convincing and feasible solution. How? Read the article where Svitlana Khrystenko tells all about the design methods you can use to craft your solution and get higher scores during the pitch event.
28 October 2022

Announcing the first challenges for this year’s hackathon
We are happy to announce the first partners which are joining the Hackathon for Good as challenge owners: Greenport West Holland, LG Flowers, Integrity Initiatives International.
Along with our first partners, we are ready to reveal the first 2 challenges. More challenges to be announced in the upcoming weeks. See for yourself and get excited.
12 October 2022

Build your team, the Hackathon for Good registration is open!
The Early Bird registration is officially open! Time to build your team and register for the Hackathon for Good. Everyone team who signs up before October 2 will be among the first to choose their hackathon challenge, once available
15 September 2022

Join the Hackathon for Good as a Tech or Data Partner
Hackathon for Good is calling for partners which provide access to technology and datasets during the hackathon.
28 July 2022

Submit your Hackathon Challenge
Hackathon for Good returns to The Hague and opens its call for hackathon challenges. Submit your challenge and get it solved by hundreds of hackers on November 19-27, 2022.
17 June 2022

Hackathon for Good returns!
Save the date for our upcoming hackathon in The Hague. Join 200 hackers and solve real-world problems with data, AI and talent.
28 April 2022

Looking back to The Hague 4
Looking back and forward with our last year’s winners, the New Designers team. Read about their experience and learn their secret of winning the Hackathon for Good.
21 April 2022

Human Capital Agenda & Hackathon for Good
In discussion with Sasja Heijman, program manager International Talent at Innovation Quarter, the regional economic development agency for the Greater Rotterdam-the Hague region, about the Hackathon for Good.
28 February 2022

Hack for a better world - The Hague 4
Last weekend, from 26 to 28 November 2021, the final of the fourth edition of the Hackathon for Good took place, where participants from all over the world developed innovative technological solutions for eight challenges using data.
01 December 2021

New designers win The Hague 4!
The challenge they worked on was combating horizontal fraud and their focus was on the problem of student housing scamming. What was their concept behind? This is what they said.
28 November 2021

Meet the jury and mentors of The Hague 4!
It’s almost time for the The Hague 4 and we are proud to announce our jury and mentors of the final pitching round!
24 November 2021

ESRI Bonus Prize - Best use of ArcGIS Developer Tech?
ESRI is curious how participants of Hackathon for Good are making use of Online Services, Developer APIs and Presentation Tools available via ArcGIS Online and Esri Developer Tools.
12 November 2021

Behind the challenge Drone Flight Control
Find out more about our Drone Flight Control challenge and what motivated the challenge owner.
09 November 2021

Mothership Missions Bonus Prize - Will you take up the challenge a step further?
Mothership Coder Missions invites you to dive deeper into 3 of the challenges not only by tackling SDGs but also addressing potential vulnerabilities of the landscapes of each problem.
07 November 2021

Behind the challenge Urban Flood Mitigation
Find out more about our Urban Flood Mitigation challenge and what motivated the challenge owner.
05 November 2021

Behind the challenge DeepFake Alert
Find out more about our DeepFake Alert challenge and what motivated the challenge owner.
01 November 2021

Hackathon for Good 2021 @ Impact Fest 2021
On the 4th of November 2021, the 6th edition of Impact Fest will take place in the city of The Hague,
26 October 2021

Behind the challenge Open Source Data diodes
Find out more about our Open Source Data diodes challenge and what motivated the challenge owner.
25 October 2021

Introducing the extended support programme and new platform
This 4th Hackathon for Good - The Hague edition introduces an extended Support programme and our new Hackathon for Good platform.
22 October 2021

Get to know the challenges of The Hague 4
We are thrilled to announce that the 4th edition of the Hackathon for Good will be fully online once again and excited to have an even bigger international outreach this time around with 9 exciting challenges.
06 October 2021

Hackathon for Good tech solutions for social issues
After three successful editions, Fall 2021 will bring the fourth edition of this annual event. Teams from all over the whole world will develop innovative solutions for global social issues, using data.
04 August 2021

Team Chakra wins the 2nd prize 'Hackathon for Good The Hague 2020.'
The jury awarded the second prize of € 1.000- to team Chakra for their open-source solution based on building a single page web application with an intuitive Reach Front end.
09 December 2020

Bootleg Hackers wins 'Hackathon for Good The Hague 2020'
The Hackathon for Good - The Hague 2020 was won by team Bootleg Hackers with a solution to report environmental crimes by creating a platform that cultivates a community and empowers them to take collective actions against environmental crimes.
01 December 2020

Introducing the jury of Hackathon for Good - The Hague 3
Twenty-one teams of business pioneers, tech talents & experts in artificial intelligence, big data, and coding are challenged to develop data solutions for a better world.
27 November 2020

Marija Slavkovik shares her knowledge of AI & Ethics
This Friday marks the start of the 48-hour Hackathon as part of the third edition of the Hackathon for Good. We are very excited that Marija Slavkovik will share her knowledge of AI & ethics with our participants during our opening ceremony.
26 November 2020

International tech talent hacks for a better world
During the weekend of 27, 28, and 29 November the third edition of the Hackathon for Good takes place. This edition is the first edition that is completely....
06 November 2020

Monkey Code wins 'Hackathon for good The Hague 2018'
The 'Hackathon for good The Hague 2018' in The Hague was won by team Monkey Code with a solution to prevent land grabbing by combining satellite....
19 November 2018

Developing long-lasting solutions is not only about the code
Raquel Vazquez Llorente is one the inspiring mentors that will coach the techtalents from all over the world during the #Hackathonforgood. Find out more about her story,
08 November 2018

Technology allows us to rethink and redesign taken for granted answers and solutions and improve them.
Prof. Dr. Valerie Frissen of ICT and Social Change and Managing Director of the SIDN Fund is one the jurors and shares her story in the run-up to the #Hackathonforgood.
07 November 2018

The Hague 1 attracts tech-talent to The Hague
During the weekend of November 17th and 18th 2018, The Hague will be dominated by the #Hackathonforgood.
06 November 2018